
Jim Dollar’s Published Works

This site is my on-line archive of things I have written for “the public eye.” Some are available as eBooks at the Amazon Kindle Store, and the others have been published on my WordPress sites.

I hope you find something here worth your time!

A guide to what’s what in the options above: “A Handbook For The Spiritual Journey” is a look at the church of our experience that sees very little of what we need it to be, and offers an alternative point of view. “An Old Pastor’s Manifesto” is a companion volume, exploring more fully a vision of the church as it might become. “I Call This Poetry” is a collection of my poems. “Story Time” is a collection of my stories. “The Art of Photography” is a book on the perspective, philosophy, vision, intent, foundation, heart and being necessary to be a photographer. “Loose Change” is a collection of miscellaneous pieces reflecting my viewpoint on various subjects. “One Minute Monologues” are short takes on being who we need to be, finding and living the life that needs us to live it, in each situation as it arises throughout the time left for living. “The Tao of Jesus” merges what we have always heard about Jesus with what has always been said about the Tao, emphasizing the slight perspective shift that enables us to see that the two ways are one way.

I have two additional web sites on WordPress. https://jimdollarsphotographyandphilosophy.com is a daily post of my images and my philosophy. https://jimwdollar.wordpress.com is a safe harbor for things that need to be said from time to time.

Why would you read anything here? Why would you read anything anywhere? What are you looking for? What are you seeking? I represent an assortment of Shamans offering a unified theory/vision of the Source and Goal of life and being, from before Taoism to the present moment, here and now. If that doesn’t interest you, you would be wasting your time to spend any more time here, now, in light of the old adage, “You have to know what I mean in order to understand what I’m saying.”

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